So the story behind this video…My friend Derek Schwauppach and I have some drumming hangs here and there so decided to make some drum videos this time. We combined all of our cameras and he came over to my drum room and we each shot a video (he shot 2 – lucky dog :P). We gave each other the camera shots of each other and I bounced him the audio I recorded so we could both edit our own audio/video. Here is the result of mine! Hope it makes you dance 🙂
Tag: cover
We Don’t Talk Anymore – Drum Cover
Had a blast shooting and editing this! It’s very….colorful to say the least. Enjoy!
“What Do You Mean” Drum Cover
After hours and hours of work and weeks of post editing and decisions, here it is! This project taught me so much about how much work high production videos really take and how much to prepare beforehand. It was a blast to shoot and had an amazing crew helping make the magic happen. More to come for sure. Enjoy!