Crunchy 18 Hi-hat Groove

Here is a mushy groove with 18″ hi-hats (inspired by Steve Jordan) with very simple patterns/fill. All cymbals used in this are thin. Sometimes that is all you need!

Tom Groove

Short clip recorded/edited by me. Sometimes you don’t need cymbals and can still sound busy and big. Headphones recommended! This is a very linear groove that only plays one drum at a time filling the “16th note spectrum” as I call it. That idea makes for some awesome grooves if you throw snare on 2 and 4!

12 Inch Hi-Hat Groove

It’s great to explore with all the gear you have and use different combinations for different sounds. I found this combination of 12 inch splash cymbals make some sweet hi-hats. I love these for that tight crisp sound.

Ghost Note Groove

Check out this short little clip recorded/edited by yours truly in my home studio. It is a triplet groove with my left hand covering all the ghost notes. I tried some different mic-ing techniques. The bass drum mic (Shure 52) is inside the bass drum right in front of the beater. This seemed to give it more punch, although should be blended with another mic outside of the kick for more woof. I also had a room mic placed 10 feet in front of the bass drum. I think room mics are so important especially for hi-hat and snare tone!! ..and no…overheads do not count as room mics 🙂

Big Groove Part 4/4

Big open hats with my favorite washy cymbals! 22″ Zildjian K Constantinople Medium Thin Low Ride Cymbal and a 20″ Zildjian Crash of Doom on my left! I love the contrast of these used together. What do you use?