Version 2 of the notorious Vocal Cue Pack is here! V2 is comprised of 118 vocal cue samples professionally recorded and ready to drag and drop. This includes the original same 68 cues that were included in the original Vocal Cue Pack as well as 50 more samples (including one surprise sample) as a result of specific cue requests over 6 years resulting in an incredibly thorough pack.
Included vocal cues: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, A, Acapella, Ad Lib, All In, And, Band, Bars, Bass, Beat, BGVS, Big Ending, Break, Breakdown, Bridge, Build It Up, Build, Change, Chorus, Click, Cues, Down, Drop, Drums, E, Eighth, End, Ending, Fifth, First, Fourth, Full, FX, (surprise sample), Guide, Guitar, Halftime, Hit, Hits, Hold, Hook, In, Instrumental, Interlude, Intro, Jam, Key Change Down, Key Change Up, Keys, Last Time, Last, Lead, Line, Loop, Music, Ninth, Off, On, Only, Out, Outro, Percussion, Piano, Post-Chorus, Pre-Chorus, Programming, Rap, Refrain, Repeat, Riff, Second, Section, Seventh, Sixth, Slate, Slowly Build, Softly, Solo, Song, Star, Stop, Swell, Switch, Tag, Tenth, Third, Timecode, Track, Trash, Turn, Turnaround, Vamp, Verse, Vocals, Worship Freely